Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Had the usual clinic today. Arrived at 9am to queue and get blood tested - there was a 1 hour wait instead of the usual 10-15 minutes. I went along to outpatients to let them know I was there for my clinic appointment which was due at 10:40 and was informed, eventually, that there was a delay of about an hour. I got to see Dr Iqbal at 12:25 for all of about 3 minutes.

Him - "How many Taxotere's have you had?"
Me - "Err, one"
Him - "And how did it make you feel?"
Me - "More tired, more mouth ulcers, more disturbed sleep, some aches"
Him - scribble, scribble on a prescription sheet.
Him - "Did we give you neulasta last time?"
Me - "Yes, and I'd like to administer it myself again, please" and I handed over the right bit of paperwork.
Him - scribble, scribble. Michelle mutters that they were supposed to have a Registrar to help with the clinic, but it doesn't look like they are going to get one again for a while...
Him - "Do you have your steroids ready to take from this Thursday?"
Me - "Yes"
Michelle hands over my blood form for next time and I am ushered out of the room.

I was going to mention that my feet ache a bit (although I am not sure if this is due to my usual high-heeled shoes).
I was going to ask what to expect tomorrow when I start the Herceptin.
I was going to ask whether I can have complementary therapies and what to avoid (I know that massages that de-tox you are not recommended and many therapists just don't want to touch you, due to the lack of lymph nodes). I'd quite like to get something to ease my tense shoulders. A colleague at work has had cranial osteopathy and it sounded lovely...
I had also forgotten myself, but I wanted to ask for my MUGA heart scan result. Boo.

As a parting shot as I was leaving, he said "You are having radiotherapy after the chemo!". "I know!" I responded. Maybe we'll talk more about it next time....

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