Saturday, October 10, 2009

Confirmed diagnosis

Originally written: 17th September 2009

This has been an interesting week, you could say. Monday brought the confirmation of invasive cancer diagnosis, and a date for a mastectomy of Monday 21st September, a week away from notification. I had all the pre-op checks on Tuesday, including meeting a lovely obstetrician, Mr Dawson, who will keep a close eye on the baby's development. He did a scan and reckoned that I wasn't quite 6 weeks. He could see the gestationasl sac, measuring half a centimetre, and that is what he would have expected to see. Too early to see a heartbeat.

I'll be 7weeks and 3 days when they do the next scan.

Tuesday also brought telling my team at work, and confirming with my boss. Everyone has been very understanding and I feel very loved and looked after without being too overwhelmed by them. I think they can see I am the practical sort and don't want to be molly-coddled.

G's mum came over on Tuesday, and my own mum had been with me on Monday evening (after we got back from the hospital) and Tuesday morning appointments. Although it was lovely to have them here, I was glad when it was just G and me again. That said, I have also had to spend a good part of the evenings on the phone telling friends. I'd quite like a night off from talking about it, but I expect that won't happen any day soon.

I am glad to say work is all under control and up to date. The team are very capable of running things without me, and my boss is coming over tomorrow so we'll sort out any extra cover we might need and she will support the team over the next few weeks while I am away.

I may be being naive/overly optimistic, but I hope only to be off for 2-3 weeks, and not 4 or more. I'll get fed up being at home, reading and watching tv and DVDs, I just know it.

So thats me for now. Still OK, although I think anxiety is starting to build a little bit.

I also wonder if morning sickness is starting to come along too - mouth keeps filling with saliva and has a metallic taste to it a lot of the time; appetite is all over the place. I expect the combination of things going on are probably working together!

That said I am still 'glowing' (I was told that today by someone who didn't know I was preggers!!) and feeling well and happy.

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